Scumbag Steve

Shopping cart return area? nah dude, there's empty parking spots for that

Shopping cart return area? nah dude, there's empty parking spots for that  Scumbag Steve

doesn't want to legalize weed so he can continue to sell it

doesn't want to legalize weed so he can continue to sell it  Scumbag Steve

Keeps smoking and talking for minutes gets pissed when you politely ask him to pass the joint it isn't even his weed

Keeps smoking and talking for minutes gets pissed when you politely ask him to pass the joint it isn't even his weed  Scumbag Steve

Gets mad because you didn't remember it's his birthday Has never remembered yours

Gets mad because  you didn't remember it's his birthday Has never remembered yours  Scumbag Steve

Drops and shatters Toro bong "my bad"

Drops and shatters Toro bong

Complains about having to wash his hands ungrateful for blowjobs

Complains about having to wash his hands ungrateful for blowjobs  Scumbag Steve

Empties a bag of garbage around the house and takes pictures sends them to animal rescue i got my cat from telling them it is unsanitary and dangerous

Empties a bag of garbage around the house and takes pictures sends them to animal rescue i got my cat from telling them it is unsanitary and dangerous  Scumbag Steve

"Yea bro just follow me" runs every yellow light

uses the last of the milk puts it back in the fridge

uses the last of the milk puts it back in the fridge  Scumbag Steve

Gets a "cool" friend ignores all other friends

Gets a
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