Scumbag Steve

Passes phone to friend to see one picture Swipes through all the rest of your photos

Passes phone to friend to see one picture Swipes through all the rest of your photos   Scumbag Steve

it accidentally comes up that you are an ateeist stops car and makes you walk home

it accidentally comes up that you are an ateeist stops car and makes you walk home  Scumbag Steve

"marijuana kills your brain cells" Plays the choking game for the next 10 minutes

Visits grandma at her house after hip surgery. Steals all her pain meds.

Visits grandma at her house after hip surgery.  Steals all her pain meds.   Scumbag Steve

Congratulates you on getting an awesome girl Tries to hook up with her when you're out of town

Congratulates you on getting an awesome girl Tries to hook up with her when you're out of town  Scumbag Steve

Wants to be a bodybuilder doesn't want to lift no heavy ass weight

Wants to be a bodybuilder doesn't want to lift no heavy ass weight  Scumbag Steve

comes to your house pops all of your bubble wrap

comes to your house pops all of your bubble wrap  Scumbag Steve

3am saturday: loud party in his room 3pm monday: "could you turn your music down? i'm trying to sleep, asshole"

3am saturday: loud party in his room 3pm monday:

Smokes Your Weed Brags to others about how he never has to pay for weed

Smokes Your Weed Brags to others about how he never has to pay for weed  Scumbag Steve

"I don't want to be racist but..." finishes with the most racist statement you've ever heard

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