Scumbag Steve

Sees you coughing on last rip Hands you glass of vodka claiming it's water

Sees you coughing on last rip Hands you glass of vodka claiming it's water  Scumbag Steve

Sweet Bong Can I hit it? It was broke when you gave it to me

Sweet Bong Can I hit it? It was broke when you gave it to me  Scumbag Steve

Hooks up with girl Knows she has a boyfriend

Hooks up with girl Knows she has a boyfriend   Scumbag Steve

Visits /Frugal Argues against sound money saving advice.

Visits /Frugal Argues against sound money saving advice.  Scumbag Steve

Sees you counting something shouts out random numbers to lose count

Sees you counting something shouts out random numbers to lose count  Scumbag Steve

has a garage sale doesn't take his signs down when it's over

has a garage sale doesn't take his signs down when it's over  Scumbag Steve

destroys pile of shirts you just folded "what? it's your job"

destroys pile of shirts you just folded

"I'm not realy book smart, but I've got street smarts" Lives in 'burbs with mom.

INVites you over to game makes you watch him play gta

INVites you over to game makes you watch him play gta  Scumbag Steve

asks to borrow your pipe over the weekend uses it to smoke opium, making it forever taste and smell like fucking opium

asks to borrow your pipe over the weekend uses it to smoke opium, making it forever taste and smell like fucking opium  Scumbag Steve
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