Scumbag Steve

Smokes with you Makes fun of you the whole time

Smokes with you Makes fun of you the whole time  Scumbag Steve

Browses r/AdviceAnimals Never upvotes

Browses r/AdviceAnimals Never upvotes  Scumbag Steve

Door is closed when he enters door is open when he leaves

Door is closed when he enters door is open when he leaves  Scumbag Steve

Invites you to smoke at his place "Did you bring the weed?"

Invites you to smoke at his place

You bring a girl home for the first time wants to hang out in your room

You bring a girl home for the first time wants to hang out in your room  Scumbag Steve

has a problem with someone in real life makes a passive aggressive meme instead of talking to the person

has a problem with someone in real life makes a passive aggressive meme instead of talking to the person   Scumbag Steve

Gets on front page of Reddit Starts claiming he is the 1%

Gets on front page of Reddit Starts claiming he is the 1%  Scumbag Steve

"hello....whats just chillin...." set as his voicemail

Comes home blackout drunk and pisses all over the floor laughs about it the next day instead of cleaning it up

Comes home blackout drunk and pisses all over the floor laughs about it the next day instead of cleaning it up  Scumbag Steve

Shows up an hour late Is mad you can't hang out anymore

Shows up an hour late Is mad you can't hang out anymore  Scumbag Steve
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