Scumbag Steve

Fucks a 14 Year Old

Fucks a 14 Year Old   Scumbag Steve

Sees competition in market Closes down competition

Sees competition in market Closes down competition  Scumbag Steve

Fills drink with ice Leaves one ice cube left in tray

Fills drink with ice Leaves one ice cube left in tray  Scumbag Steve

You win a $20 bet Uhhh I said doll hairs not dollars.

You win a $20 bet Uhhh I said doll hairs not dollars.   Scumbag Steve

Hands out water cups at track marathon puts vodka instead

Hands out water cups at track marathon puts vodka instead  Scumbag Steve

Brah! Breakfast till midnight at Valley 2 Bagels and Shit!

Brah! Breakfast till midnight at Valley 2 Bagels and Shit!  Scumbag Steve

complains when you're loud after quiet hours uses a leaf blower next to your window at 6 AM

complains when you're loud after quiet hours uses a leaf blower next to your window at 6 AM  Scumbag Steve

Car stuck in Glassel intersection crosses street

Car stuck in Glassel intersection crosses street  Scumbag Steve

Opens truck doors Before hot box is over

Opens truck doors Before hot box is over  Scumbag Steve

Calls you a nigger for eating watermelon Loves watermelon

Calls you a nigger for eating watermelon Loves watermelon  Scumbag Steve
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