Scumbag Steve

Tells everyone pics of starving animals make him sad. Laughs at pics of starving children.

Tells everyone pics of starving animals make him sad. Laughs at pics of starving children.  Scumbag Steve

Sees long line of traffic caused by merging lanes due to construction Speeds through empty lane and demands to be let in where lanes merge

Sees long line of traffic caused by merging lanes due to construction Speeds through empty lane and demands to be let in where lanes merge  Scumbag Steve

Friend gives him password to a game because she needs help Uses password to log into facebook and emails

Friend gives him password to a game because she needs help Uses password to log into facebook and emails  Scumbag Steve

Buys your ps3 from you at friend price Sells it on ebay for a profit

Buys your ps3 from you at friend price Sells it on ebay for a profit  Scumbag Steve

Sets up joke

Sets up joke  Scumbag Steve

Write a positive comment on reddit Do not vote

Write a positive comment on reddit Do not vote  Scumbag Steve

loses 3 times to zerg as protoss calls zerg overpowered and leaves vent

loses 3 times to zerg as protoss calls zerg overpowered and leaves vent  Scumbag Steve

asks you to play call of duty makes new classes for 5 minutes without starting matchmaking

asks you to play call of duty makes new classes for 5 minutes without starting matchmaking  Scumbag Steve

Offers to buy you meal days later asks why you havent payed him back

Offers to buy you meal days later asks why you havent payed him back  Scumbag Steve

Buys white iphone puts it in black case

Buys white iphone puts it in black case  Scumbag Steve
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