Scumbag Steve

Actually brings beer to a party Drinks everyone else's beer, leaves with his 12-pack

Actually brings beer to a party Drinks everyone else's beer, leaves with his 12-pack  Scumbag Steve

Penn State student brags about THON helping kids Still defends Joe Paterno

Penn State student brags about THON helping kids Still defends Joe Paterno  Scumbag Steve

Uses misleading title Dosent deliver

Uses misleading title Dosent deliver  Scumbag Steve

PVP:s doing bad? Better nerf Pve

PVP:s doing bad? Better nerf Pve  Scumbag Steve

Dates the same type of girl, again Can't believe he got cheated on, again

Dates the same type of girl, again Can't believe he got cheated on, again  Scumbag Steve

Cheats on you and gets another girls pregnant names the kid your agreed upon first child's name

Cheats on you and gets another girls pregnant  names the kid your agreed upon first child's name  Scumbag Steve

Doesn't answer your calls or texts Expects you to answer his and gets mad if you don't

Doesn't answer your calls or texts Expects you to answer his and gets mad if you don't  Scumbag Steve

"hey bro, can I use your bathroom" wacks off, doesnt wash hands

Eats cake Doesn't say happy birthday

Eats cake Doesn't say happy birthday  Scumbag Steve

Forgot to lock computer Expect to find your wallpaper to be modified

Forgot to lock computer Expect to find your wallpaper to be modified  Scumbag Steve
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