Scumbag Steve

hates work Plays video games and eats donuts at work

hates work Plays video games and eats donuts at work  Scumbag Steve

Says its cashed when you leave room, takes another hit

Says its cashed when you leave room, takes another hit  Scumbag Steve

claim they don't believe in religion worship christopher hitchens

claim they don't believe in religion worship christopher hitchens  Scumbag Steve

Hears you trip and fall over something he left in the middle of the floor in the dark Yells at you to knock it off.

Hears you trip and fall over something he left in the middle of the floor in the dark Yells at you to knock it off.  Scumbag Steve

Uses Bow when told not to

Uses Bow when told not to  Scumbag Steve

Opens 4 of your heady beers Leaves them all full

Opens 4 of your heady beers Leaves them all full  Scumbag Steve

I want a warning label on rainbows and sperrys

I want a warning label on rainbows and sperrys  Scumbag Steve

Calls you a pussy for ordering a blue moon Right after he orders Diet Dr. Pepper

Calls you a pussy for ordering a blue moon Right after he orders Diet Dr. Pepper  Scumbag Steve

Lies to girls makes them feel bad when they find out

Lies to girls makes them feel bad when they find out  Scumbag Steve

Introduce him to reddit brags about how much karma he has

Introduce him to reddit brags about how much karma he has  Scumbag Steve
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