Scumbag Steve

"come on, bro, i only make minimum wage." $9.04/hour

Complains about your driving License is suspended

Complains about your driving License is suspended   Scumbag Steve

Speak up for novices ability to come up with lots case ideas Curb stomp novices when they come up with tab ideas

Speak up for novices ability to come up with lots case ideas Curb stomp novices when they come up with tab ideas  Scumbag Steve

Day of the final Takes your seat

Day of the final Takes your seat  Scumbag Steve

down votes post just because it's getting a lot of up votes

down votes post just because it's getting a lot of up votes  Scumbag Steve

Has 3 children he can't feed already Has another two.

Has 3 children he can't feed already  Has another two.   Scumbag Steve

Goes home for spring break takes your xbox with him

Goes home for spring break
 takes your xbox with him
  Scumbag Steve

Complains about favorite show being cancelled continues to pirate favorite shows

Complains about favorite show being cancelled continues to pirate favorite shows  Scumbag Steve

you listen to Tech nine bro? yeah, they are dope!

you listen to Tech nine bro? yeah, they are dope!  Scumbag Steve

Shows up late for class Interrupts lecture to ask for attendance sheet

Shows up late for class Interrupts lecture to ask for attendance sheet  Scumbag Steve
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