Scumbag Steve

"I can't believe my ex gf got with my friend, what a fucking whore" Lied and Cheated on her before dumping her

Lux Why do you have no hp?

Lux Why do you have no hp?  Scumbag Steve

Uses your Brita Water Filter Puts it back in the fridge empry

Uses your Brita Water Filter Puts it back in the fridge empry  Scumbag Steve

Watches Game of thrones as soon as it airs Immediately updates Facebook status and reveals the entire episode

Watches Game of thrones as soon as it airs  Immediately updates Facebook status and reveals the entire episode  Scumbag Steve

Dog takes a crap in neighbors yard Leaves it there for neighbor to deal with

Dog takes a crap in neighbors yard Leaves it there for neighbor to deal with  Scumbag Steve

sends you a friend request unfriends you and adds your wife the next day.

sends you a friend request unfriends you and adds your wife the next day.  Scumbag Steve

"yo man can I have a dunkaroo?" icing gone

Tell him you've never seen this movie Recites every line

Tell him you've never seen this movie Recites every line  Scumbag Steve

Does molten front dailies Only kills mobs who npcs burned down.

Does molten front dailies Only kills mobs who npcs burned down.  Scumbag Steve

Look, i got money fer dayz pimp

Look, i got money fer dayz pimp   Scumbag Steve
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