Scumbag Steve

Scumbag Audio Engineer uses $1500 speakers Listens to Pandora

Scumbag Audio Engineer uses $1500 speakers Listens to Pandora  Scumbag Steve

removes javelin glitch adds to mw3 renames it to dead mans hand

removes javelin glitch adds to mw3 renames it to dead mans hand  Scumbag Steve

claims nephew rape memes are too high makes nephew rape meme about it

claims nephew rape memes are too high makes nephew rape meme about it  Scumbag Steve

acts like you're his best friend tries to fuck your girlfriend

acts like you're his best friend tries to fuck your girlfriend  Scumbag Steve

Convinces you to try weed Tells your parents

Convinces you to try weed Tells your parents  Scumbag Steve

emails entire class for notes

emails entire class for notes  Scumbag Steve

Brags about good deed to get meme made about himself

Brags about good deed to get meme made about himself  Scumbag Steve

"Hey babe, can i buy you dinner?" "2 appetizer samplers please"

plays video games with his girlfriend gets mad when she does better.

plays video games with his girlfriend gets mad when she does better.  Scumbag Steve

Does something worthy of this meme Makes a post about it before i get a chance to and says, look bro lol

Does something worthy of this meme Makes a post about it before i get a chance to and says, look bro lol  Scumbag Steve
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