Scumbag Steve

Says Robert Plant has annoying singing voice. Loves Slipknot

Says Robert Plant has annoying singing voice. Loves Slipknot  Scumbag Steve

Makes WSU Meme page Doesnt want anyone to use it

Makes WSU Meme page Doesnt want anyone to use it  Scumbag Steve

Says WVU has best student section Leaves at halftime

Says WVU has best student section Leaves at halftime  Scumbag Steve

comes to class plays temple run entire time

comes to class plays temple run entire time  Scumbag Steve

parks at west michigan woods for frat party doesn't get towed

parks at west michigan woods for frat party doesn't get towed  Scumbag Steve

yells at you from a moving car won't make eye contact when you catch up to him

yells at you from a moving car won't make eye contact when you catch up to him  Scumbag Steve

finds out you recently quit smoking starts offering you cigarettes constantly

finds out you recently quit smoking starts offering you cigarettes constantly  Scumbag Steve

Crashes party that he wasnt invited to Orders everyone around because hes "top shit"

Crashes party that he wasnt invited to Orders everyone around because hes

rents video from blockbuster doesn't rewind it before returning it

rents video from blockbuster doesn't rewind it before returning it  Scumbag Steve

"I found the greatest subreddit" Doesn't link it

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