Scumbag Steve

Thread backfire I was just trollin

Thread backfire I was just trollin  Scumbag Steve

adds random hot girls on facebook says he fucked them on vacation

adds random hot girls on facebook says he fucked them on vacation  Scumbag Steve

argues with you when losing just says he can kick your ass

argues with you  when losing just says he can kick your ass  Scumbag Steve

says facebook will donate to a charitable cause for every share made it up

says facebook will donate to a charitable cause for every share made it up  Scumbag Steve

Drinks your pepsi, buys you another one. Drinks it again.

Drinks your pepsi, buys you another one. Drinks it again.  Scumbag Steve

Drops out of exercise science major realizes it is primarily science

Drops out of exercise science major realizes it is primarily science   Scumbag Steve

Gets Greens on kief bowl Torches entire bowl

Gets Greens on kief bowl Torches entire bowl   Scumbag Steve

Demands more hits after i tell him he's good Throws up everywhere minutes later

Demands more hits after i tell him he's good Throws up everywhere minutes later  Scumbag Steve

Tells people he doesn't have to study to get good grades Studies to get good grades

Tells people he doesn't have to study to get good grades Studies to get good grades  Scumbag Steve

Asks for a water cup Fills it with soda

Asks for a water cup Fills it with soda   Scumbag Steve
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