Scumbag Steve

Goes 3-41 on BF3 Blames it on lag

Goes 3-41 on BF3 Blames it on lag  Scumbag Steve

Listens to music on the way to class on his iPod boombox

Listens to music on the way to class on his iPod boombox  Scumbag Steve

Owns a mac Plugs the giant charger in so that it covers the other wall outlet

Owns a mac Plugs the giant charger in so that it covers the other wall outlet  Scumbag Steve

Has a "Keep California Clean" and "Protect the enviorment" Bumper Stickers Throws empty plastic bottle out of car while driving

Has a

Skips class Asks to copy your notes

Skips class Asks to copy your notes  Scumbag Steve

Smokes all your weed Eats your last pink ice pop

Smokes all your weed Eats your last pink ice pop  Scumbag Steve

Asks for an 18th century landlord portrait from the starving artist wants it for free

Asks for an 18th century landlord portrait from the starving artist wants it for free  Scumbag Steve

Knows he's an atheist Goes to church for free childcare

Knows he's an atheist Goes to church for free childcare  Scumbag Steve

Get's lots of candy from trick r treating Ruins his appetite

Get's lots of candy from trick r treating Ruins his appetite  Scumbag Steve

you talk shit about your job on facebook he take a screenshot, print it and bring it to your boss

you talk shit about your job on facebook he take a screenshot, print it and bring it to your boss  Scumbag Steve
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