Scumbag Steve

Gets offered 110 billion euro contemplates rejecting the offer

Gets offered 110 billion euro contemplates rejecting the offer  Scumbag Steve

Friend is telling story Has slightly relatable story, talks louder and louder until everyone hears him instead

Friend is telling story Has slightly relatable story, talks louder and louder until everyone hears him instead  Scumbag Steve

No offense but, offends you

No offense but, offends you  Scumbag Steve

"So, are you guys just friends?" "or are you girlfriend/boyfriend or what?"

Cuts a massive slice of cake only eats icing

Cuts a massive slice of cake only eats icing  Scumbag Steve

Drives 'round town with the girl you love

Drives 'round town with the girl you love  Scumbag Steve

Makes fun of friends non stop when made fun of goes and pouts

Makes fun of friends non stop when made fun of goes and pouts  Scumbag Steve

sits in aisle seat puts backpack on window seat

sits in aisle seat puts backpack on window seat  Scumbag Steve

gets the joint starts teling a story

gets the joint starts teling a story  Scumbag Steve

Yom Kippur Spends day texting pics of sandwiches to Jewish friends

Yom Kippur Spends day texting pics of sandwiches to Jewish friends  Scumbag Steve
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