Scumbag Steve

Your post is more popular than his Have a downvote

Your post is more popular than his Have a downvote  Scumbag Steve

You shouldn't smoke weed it's really bad for you Drinks alcohol. Chain Smokes.

You shouldn't smoke weed it's really bad for you Drinks alcohol. Chain Smokes.   Scumbag Steve

Claims "Everyone at UH goes Greek" 3% do


Doesn't use turn signal turns on the path you're crossing

Doesn't use turn signal turns on the path you're crossing  Scumbag Steve

Goes Apeshit Over SOPA Ridicules KONY 2012

Goes Apeshit Over SOPA Ridicules KONY 2012  Scumbag Steve

Starts every post with "I am not an atheist..." Proceeds to say how he doesn't believe in god or gods and that he is "agnostic" which only answers the Knowledge Question and not the Belief Question.

Starts every post with

Has chance to hook up with Skrillex haircut chick Cuddles for a while and passes out like a 9 year old

Has chance to hook up with Skrillex haircut chick Cuddles for a while and passes out like a 9 year old  Scumbag Steve

You go to buy some weed from him takes your $40, throws in a paper towel full of dandelions and runs into the woods

You go to buy some weed from him takes your $40, throws in a paper towel full of dandelions and runs into the woods   Scumbag Steve

His dog throws up in the middle of a tennis court Leaves without cleaning it up

His dog throws up in the middle of a tennis court Leaves without cleaning it up  Scumbag Steve

Browse New Submissions Downvote everyone

Browse New Submissions Downvote everyone  Scumbag Steve
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