Scumbag Steve

Reads awesome rage comic turns it into another meme

Reads awesome rage comic turns it into another meme  Scumbag Steve

Pulls all the resin out of your pipe Thows it away

Pulls all the resin out of your pipe Thows it away  Scumbag Steve

Leaves party and forgets to take forty ..Comes back for forty

Leaves party and forgets to take forty ..Comes back for forty  Scumbag Steve

Sees giant wall of text Immediately posts tl;dr

Sees giant wall of text Immediately posts tl;dr  Scumbag Steve

Goes to the movies Checks his phone every 3 minutes

Goes to the movies Checks his phone every 3 minutes  Scumbag Steve

Bullies people on HAS NO REAL FRIENDS

Bullies people on HAS NO REAL FRIENDS  Scumbag Steve

Everybody clap your hands Doesn't

Everybody clap your hands Doesn't
  Scumbag Steve

You want anything at Mcdonalds? "Nah I'm good." Picks at your 20 piece McNuggets.

You want anything at Mcdonalds?

brings 30 rack and seven bros to tailgate asks next car for cups

brings 30 rack and seven bros to tailgate asks next car for cups  Scumbag Steve

Watches you pour cereal into bowl Then informs you that you are out of milk

Watches you pour cereal into bowl Then informs you that you are out of milk  Scumbag Steve
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