Scumbag Steve

chatroulette naked steve

chatroulette naked steve  Scumbag Steve

Agrees to be designated driver gets hammered drunk

Agrees to be designated driver gets hammered drunk  Scumbag Steve

Is on the 5 year plan at sbcc

Is on the 5 year plan at sbcc  Scumbag Steve

Gets hammered drunk and eats all the food at the party pukes all over the bathroom, passes out, shits himself, then drives home in the morning without cleaning it up

Gets hammered drunk and eats all the food at the party pukes all over the bathroom, passes out, shits himself, then drives home in the morning  without cleaning it up  Scumbag Steve

Complains about Xbox One's policies Calls Microsoft spineless cowards for changing them

Complains about Xbox One's policies Calls Microsoft spineless cowards for changing them  Scumbag Steve

orders $50 worth of food Only has $25

orders $50 worth of food Only has $25  Scumbag Steve

Throws a party doesn't invite members of the group.

Throws a party doesn't invite members of the group.  Scumbag Steve

Is a terrible Big Brother Don't be this guy

Is a terrible Big Brother Don't be this guy  Scumbag Steve

Complains about ad payout uses adblock

Complains about 
ad payout uses adblock  Scumbag Steve

Goes to surprise party cool, front row parking

Goes to surprise party cool, front row parking  Scumbag Steve
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