Scumbag Steve

Has deep rooted opinions about the sexual and reproductive rights of women... Is a man.

Has deep rooted opinions about the sexual and reproductive rights of women... Is a man.   Scumbag Steve

"Yeah, I'll cover the second half of your shift so you have time for homework" Never shows up

Bitches about mess in house leaves his shit everywhere

Bitches about mess in house leaves his shit everywhere  Scumbag Steve

Declines to go to the pub to watch the game. Ditches you so he can take his other friend to the game.

Declines to go to the pub to watch the game. Ditches you so he can take his other friend to the game.  Scumbag Steve

Teacher offers to have a very relaxed semester Reports teacher for not doing her job, gets her fired

Teacher offers to have a very relaxed semester Reports teacher for not doing her job, gets her fired  Scumbag Steve

sees an old man retiring because of his age makes fun of him

sees an old man retiring because of his age makes fun of him  Scumbag Steve

Gives me a roach for my birthday says it was a full blunt but he got bored, then asks me to smoke him up

Gives me a roach for my birthday says it was a full blunt but he got bored, then asks me to smoke him up  Scumbag Steve

Sees you waiting for the elevator with a ton of groceries Takes elevator to 2nd floor

Sees you waiting for  the elevator with a ton of groceries Takes elevator to 2nd floor  Scumbag Steve

steals a joke from you and puts it on reddit gets angry at you when it fails

steals a joke from you and puts it on reddit gets angry at you when it fails  Scumbag Steve

Sleeps over at your house Texts your sister and hits on her when you fall asleep.

Sleeps over at your house Texts your sister and hits on her when you fall asleep.  Scumbag Steve
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