Scumbag Steve

Allows you to install DLC Waits to add new packs

Allows you to install DLC Waits to add new packs  Scumbag Steve

Lets you believe that you got an expensive player for cheap bids with 1 second left

Lets you believe that you got an expensive player for cheap bids with 1 second left  Scumbag Steve

Sells you shitty weed comes over every day to smoke it

Sells you shitty weed comes over every day to smoke it  Scumbag Steve

has been dating you for the past 3 years has been screwing your best friend for the past 2 1/2 years

has been dating you for the past 3 years has been screwing your best friend for the past 2 1/2 years  Scumbag Steve

Gets kitten, admits kitten is sick, ignores requests to take to vets blames you for kitten being ill after eighteen hours in carrier

Gets kitten, admits kitten is sick, ignores requests to take to vets blames you for kitten being ill after eighteen hours in carrier   Scumbag Steve

Playing mario kart 64 uses lightning right before you go off a jump

Playing mario kart 64 uses lightning right before you go off a jump  Scumbag Steve

win game opponent doesn't press advance button

win game opponent doesn't press advance button  Scumbag Steve

finds your dog trapped in shower takes picture before letting it out

finds your dog trapped in shower takes picture before letting it out  Scumbag Steve

Complains about younger sister becoming sexually active Has been eyeing up all her friends since they were 12

Complains about younger sister becoming sexually active Has been eyeing up all her friends since they were 12  Scumbag Steve

Sends vague messages about assaults and shootings offers hotel housing in trenton

Sends vague messages about assaults and shootings offers hotel housing in trenton  Scumbag Steve
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