Scumbag Steve

Invites you to new years party. Tells you to leave because you are high.

Invites you to new years party. Tells you to leave because you are high.  Scumbag Steve

Hates black people ONly listens to lil wayne

Hates black people ONly listens to lil wayne  Scumbag Steve

Hasn't been out nearly as long as you Spoils all the movies you've missed

Hasn't been out nearly as long as you  Spoils all the movies you've missed  Scumbag Steve

Finally makes a move on best friend that he has liked for over a year and they start dating Cheats on her within a month of dating

Finally makes a move on best friend that he has liked for over a year and they start dating Cheats on her within a month of dating  Scumbag Steve

Makes advice animal posts in r/pics to get more karma

Makes advice animal posts in r/pics to get more karma  Scumbag Steve

Is annoyed by atheists Makes repetitive memes complaining about it

Is annoyed by atheists Makes repetitive memes complaining about it  Scumbag Steve

Buys drink at bar Stays standing there

Buys drink at bar Stays standing there  Scumbag Steve

Says worshiping something is stupid Worships Neil deGrasse Tyson

Says worshiping something is stupid Worships Neil deGrasse Tyson  Scumbag Steve

Trolls for girls to take out on nice dates Has sex w/ them and on his way out says he's an atheist

Trolls for girls to take out on nice dates Has sex w/ them and on his way out says he's an atheist  Scumbag Steve

Makes racist memes Dude it's just a joke.

Makes racist memes Dude it's just a joke.  Scumbag Steve
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