Scumbag Steve

Picks up your shift for you gets arrested

Picks up your shift for you gets arrested  Scumbag Steve

Thinks he knows what a woman looks like without makeup doesn't

Thinks he knows what a woman looks like without makeup doesn't  Scumbag Steve

Born, raised and currently lives in cleveland roots for the steelers, yankees, and heat

Born, raised and currently lives in cleveland roots for the steelers, yankees, and heat  Scumbag Steve

Gets in a fight with the troll king Banishes all trolls to random island

Gets in a fight with the troll king  Banishes all trolls to random island   Scumbag Steve

Leaves Orlando in the dumps Tells Dwight Howard it would be a travesty if he left Orlando

Leaves Orlando in the dumps Tells Dwight Howard it would be a travesty if he left Orlando  Scumbag Steve

"Hey guys, can't make it. can you change the date?" Doesn't show up anyways

"Oh wait, I told you this story already" Finishes it anyway

criticize christians for 'indoctrinating' their kids brag on reddit when their 10 year old says god does not exist

criticize christians for 'indoctrinating' their kids brag on reddit when their 10 year old says god does not exist  Scumbag Steve

"Hey man, I'm not a douche" is a douche

steals memes from internet and posts them on facebook thinks he's hilarious even though he didn't come up with them

steals memes from internet and posts them on facebook thinks he's hilarious even though he didn't come up with them  Scumbag Steve
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