Scumbag Steve

Cousin knows you still love your ex sleeps with her

Cousin knows you still love your ex sleeps with her  Scumbag Steve

girl passed out naked on floor covers her up and carries her home

girl passed out naked on floor covers her up and carries her home  Scumbag Steve

so what?!? I hate white people

so what?!? I hate white people  Scumbag Steve

goes to badass free concert in the park complains about the band while pushing people to get near the stage

goes to badass free concert in the park complains about the band while pushing people to get near the stage  Scumbag Steve

plans elaborate surprise party for his wife asks guests for cash

plans elaborate surprise party for his wife asks guests for cash  Scumbag Steve

"if that was me bro, i would have kicked his ass" has never been in a fight

Sues people for pirating, because it's stealing every new song samples an older song

Sues people for pirating, because it's stealing every new song samples an older song  Scumbag Steve

Tell me I can have the car for the day Drives off and gets drunk with his Christian friends while I deal with my drunk-abusive dad

Tell me I can have the car for the day Drives off and gets drunk with his Christian friends while I deal with my drunk-abusive dad  Scumbag Steve

Uploads video to youtube 5 shitty slow mode loops of the same shot

Uploads video to youtube 5 shitty slow mode loops of the same shot  Scumbag Steve

Says he'll match you. Rolls a skimper.

Says he'll match you. Rolls a skimper.  Scumbag Steve
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