Scumbag Steve

"Dude I just bought an epic gaming rig that has more computing power than all of NASA." "Oh hey can you run stat weights for me? Oh it'll take your cheap 5 year old computer 45 minutes to complete? That's cool, I'll call you in an hour"

Takes pictures of Scumbag Stacy in private Posts them on Reddit

Takes pictures of Scumbag Stacy in private Posts them on Reddit  Scumbag Steve

Creates a web page That doesn't let you use the back button

Creates a web page That doesn't let you use the back button  Scumbag Steve

promises to hook you up later tonight passes out at his house from getting too high

promises to hook you up later tonight passes out at his house from getting too high  Scumbag Steve

Ska starta fest Uppgraderar stadshus

Ska starta fest Uppgraderar stadshus  Scumbag Steve

Hates when girlfriends cheat Unless it is with him

Hates when girlfriends cheat Unless it is with him  Scumbag Steve

buys a tuner car thinks a muffler tip makes him fast and furious

buys a tuner car thinks a muffler tip makes him fast and furious  Scumbag Steve

mocks bible as a storybook of fantasies uses quotes from star trek

mocks bible as a storybook of fantasies uses quotes from star trek  Scumbag Steve

Sees clogged toilet Uses it anyways

Sees clogged toilet Uses it anyways  Scumbag Steve

Gets scored on in first 5 minutes quits

Gets scored on in first 5 minutes quits  Scumbag Steve
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