Scumbag Steve

Sees that he is invited to your birthday party proceeds to ask everyone who you didn't invite if they were invited

Sees that he is invited to your birthday party proceeds to ask everyone who you didn't invite if they were invited  Scumbag Steve

doesn't like one of your comments or posts clicks on your name and scrolls down the page down voting everything you've ever posted

doesn't like one of your comments or posts clicks on your name and scrolls down the page down  voting everything you've ever posted  Scumbag Steve

asks you to donate blood sells it for $1400

asks you to donate blood sells it for $1400  Scumbag Steve

If you're first in line at the grocery store... I'm disadvantaged because I can't be first in line too.

If you're first in line at the grocery store... I'm disadvantaged because I can't be first in line too.  Scumbag Steve

sells you a gram weighs 0.7

sells you a gram weighs 0.7   Scumbag Steve

"hey bro, want to play mario kart?" Hits reset button right before you win and cross the finish line

She puts him in friend zone Slips her date rape drug

She puts him in friend zone Slips her date rape drug  Scumbag Steve

non-jew who knows absolutely nothing about Judaism goes to chabad on shabbat just for free meal

non-jew who knows absolutely nothing about Judaism goes to chabad on shabbat just for free meal  Scumbag Steve

makes fun of person going to Womens Basketball game School team won 90 straight games

makes fun of person going to Womens Basketball game School team won 90 straight games  Scumbag Steve

Joins Xi Chi Yells like a stupid asshole in Lowry

Joins Xi Chi Yells like a stupid asshole in Lowry  Scumbag Steve
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