Scumbag Steve

friend brings him over to my house party smokes my weed, drinks my alcohol. AND steals my pipe, grinder, 2 xbox controllers, and 1 1/2 foot perked bong

friend brings him over to my house party smokes my weed, drinks my alcohol. AND steals my pipe, grinder, 2 xbox controllers, and 1 1/2 foot perked bong  Scumbag Steve

get 16 year old pregnant? MTV show, here i come

get 16 year old pregnant? MTV show, here i come  Scumbag Steve

Playing marco polo in the pool gets out of water

Playing marco polo in the pool gets out of water  Scumbag Steve

You sell him a gram pays you in dimes

You sell him a gram pays you in dimes  Scumbag Steve

Crashes at your place while you're gone for the night Steals your weed and money, fucks a girl in your bed, denies everything

Crashes at your place while you're gone for the night Steals your weed and money, fucks a girl in your bed, denies everything  Scumbag Steve

Steals your wallet Then Helps you look for it for an HOUR

Steals your wallet Then Helps you look for it for an HOUR  Scumbag Steve

Has lighter the same color as yours swaps his empty one for your full one

Has lighter the same color as yours swaps his empty one for your full one  Scumbag Steve

Sees a question on Facebook Likes their Status

Sees a question on Facebook Likes their Status  Scumbag Steve

"one more drink will make you feel just right bro" Wake up in Gilford

says he hates kids doesn't use condoms

says he hates kids doesn't use condoms  Scumbag Steve
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