Scumbag Steve

Discovers memes blows up cousin's feed

Discovers memes blows up cousin's feed  Scumbag Steve

fucks your girlfriend

 fucks your girlfriend   Scumbag Steve

"I won't drink coffee, it's bad for you" Drinks 2 bottles of vodka every weekend

Tells you " I can't have my eyes exploding from disgust by looking at you." Stares Everyday

Tells you

steps on crack breaks moms back

steps on crack breaks moms back  Scumbag Steve

asks you for help and information about something in a store Leaves with out buying it

asks you for help and information about something in a store Leaves with out buying it  Scumbag Steve

"Hey man, lets play Grand Theft Auto" Makes you watch him for four hours

sees you turn your blinker on speeds up

sees you turn your blinker on speeds up  Scumbag Steve

i made a meme mimi

i made a meme mimi  Scumbag Steve

Drinks all your booze "I know the bartender at Buddha bar."

Drinks all your booze
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