Scumbag Steve

borrows a video game trades it in when complete

borrows a video game trades it in when complete  Scumbag Steve

Throwing a classy theme party in a museum... ...CEOs & Office Hoes

Throwing a classy theme party in a museum... ...CEOs & Office Hoes  Scumbag Steve

1. Join Machinima 2. become douche 3. profit

1. Join Machinima 2. become douche 3. profit  Scumbag Steve

Groundscores sheet still charges you 50 bucks a strip

Groundscores sheet still charges you 50 bucks a strip  Scumbag Steve

Takes the last computer in the library during dead week Goes to 4chan

Takes the last computer in the library during dead week Goes to 4chan  Scumbag Steve

Always steals the greens always torches the bowl

Always steals the greens always torches the bowl  Scumbag Steve

Scumbag Gamers: Complain when hollywood revamps classic Beg for nintendo to revamp their N64 favorites for 3DS

Scumbag Gamers: Complain when hollywood revamps classic Beg for nintendo to revamp their N64 favorites for 3DS  Scumbag Steve

subscribes to r/AdviceAnimals because he enjoys memes bitches every time a new meme comes out

subscribes to r/AdviceAnimals because he enjoys memes bitches every time a new meme comes out  Scumbag Steve

Types a few letters into Facebook chat Leaves computer

Types a few letters into Facebook chat Leaves computer  Scumbag Steve

Remembers your anniversary Buys you the game console he wanted

Remembers your anniversary Buys you the game console he wanted  Scumbag Steve
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