Scumbag Steve

Has a girlfriend with terminal cancer doesn't ever take the time to meet her

Has a girlfriend with terminal cancer doesn't ever take the time to meet her  Scumbag Steve

invites you out & promises to text with details doesn't text & posts pics of going out with other friends

invites you out & promises to text with details doesn't text & posts pics of going out with other friends  Scumbag Steve

Hasn't had a job in years, has 5 kids buys an iphone and ipad

Hasn't had a job in years, has 5 kids buys an iphone and ipad  Scumbag Steve

Say "Thank You" to him for holding door. "Yuup"


Delivers mail in the rain leaves mailbox lid open

Delivers mail in the rain leaves mailbox lid open  Scumbag Steve

Posts to Reddit

Posts to Reddit  Scumbag Steve

complains about students who have government financial help asked for it but got refused

complains about students who have government financial help asked for it but got refused  Scumbag Steve

Plays Stevens Grip

Plays Stevens Grip   Scumbag Steve

ridicules people's hobbies as a waste of time masturbates every day

ridicules people's hobbies as a waste of time masturbates every day  Scumbag Steve

Leaves dressing room with clothes that don't fit him throws back in pile without folding it

Leaves dressing room with clothes that don't fit him throws back in pile without folding it  Scumbag Steve
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