Scumbag Steve

doesn't want weed to be legalised so he can keep selling it

doesn't want weed to be legalised so he can keep selling it  Scumbag Steve

Bro I can drive a stick bro! Drops your tranny

Bro I can drive a stick bro! Drops your tranny  Scumbag Steve

Eats last pop tart leaves empty box in the pantry

Eats last pop tart leaves empty box in the pantry  Scumbag Steve

shows up drunk and uninvited to you sister's sweet 16 party wearing his "i'm here for the blumpkin" t-shirt

shows up drunk and uninvited to you sister's sweet 16 party wearing his

Downvotes your post So his has a better change of being upvoted

Downvotes your post  So his has a better change of being upvoted   Scumbag Steve

Steps outside to smoke about 6 inches outside

Steps outside to smoke about 6 inches outside  Scumbag Steve

Give them an accurate estimate of when you're going to get there "Why the fuck is it going to take that long, you're an asshole."

Give them an accurate estimate of when you're going to get there

Washes hands in public restroom Uses 2 hand dryers

Washes hands in public restroom Uses 2 hand dryers   Scumbag Steve

Only has one item Takes 10 minutes to pay with coins

Only has one item  Takes 10 minutes to pay with coins  Scumbag Steve

Suspects u may have a limited txt plan Sends u 3 txts about getting a better plan

Suspects u may have a limited txt plan Sends u 3 txts about getting a better plan  Scumbag Steve
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