Scumbag Steve

Clicks to attend a facebook event doesn't attend

Clicks to attend a facebook event doesn't attend  Scumbag Steve

make a honest mistake "hands bro!"

make a honest mistake

HAD EMPeror CARD Still cleared sheol

HAD EMPeror CARD Still cleared sheol  Scumbag Steve

Makes you hold his drink gets another

Makes you hold his drink  gets another   Scumbag Steve

Knows he's hiv positive Has unprotected sex with as many girls as he can

Knows he's hiv positive Has unprotected sex with as many girls as he can  Scumbag Steve

Sees you coming towards him Turns on high beams

Sees you coming towards him Turns on high beams  Scumbag Steve

Posts picture of someone else smoking a blunt gets mad when you tell him its unnecessary

Posts picture of someone else smoking a blunt gets mad when you tell him its unnecessary  Scumbag Steve

Just Got braces off can finally chew gum now

Just Got braces off can finally chew gum now  Scumbag Steve

Notices you dont talk much Brings it up in conversation

Notices you dont talk much Brings it up in conversation
  Scumbag Steve

Buys one box of granola bars needs a plastic bag

Buys one box of granola bars needs a plastic bag  Scumbag Steve
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