Scumbag Steve

Cheats and is Abusive to his GF Blames Best friend for her breaking up with him

Cheats and is Abusive to his GF Blames Best friend for her breaking up with him  Scumbag Steve

Tells a girl how much he likes her when she has a boyfriend Ignores her as soon as she becomes single

Tells a girl how much he likes her when she has a boyfriend Ignores her as soon as she becomes single  Scumbag Steve

Does something nice makes a ggg meme about himself

Does something nice makes a ggg meme about himself  Scumbag Steve

finds dead mouse you left for him on doorstep throws it away

finds dead mouse you left for him on doorstep throws it away  Scumbag Steve

rapes and murders children

 rapes and murders children  Scumbag Steve

Takes your ipod Starts scrolling through your notes and photos

Takes your ipod Starts scrolling through your notes and photos  Scumbag Steve

Shows up for housewarming party takes a shit in the water tank of your toilet

Shows up for housewarming party takes a shit in the water tank of your toilet  Scumbag Steve

Uses drive-thru during busy lunch hours "can I have a sec? I have no idea what I want."

Uses drive-thru during busy lunch hours

Hears you calling his name Keeps on walking away

Hears you calling his name Keeps on walking away  Scumbag Steve

mumbles gets angry when you don't understand him

mumbles gets angry when you don't understand him  Scumbag Steve
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