Scumbag Steve

Says he's just friends with your wife FUCKS HER

Says he's just friends with your wife FUCKS HER  Scumbag Steve

Wears headphones while studying in Milne's quiet section volume: max

Wears headphones while studying in Milne's quiet section volume: max  Scumbag Steve

Orders shots, won't take no for an answer Only pays for his own

Orders shots, won't take no for an answer Only pays for his own  Scumbag Steve

Yells at people for talking when he's hitting cracks jokes when he is waiting for others to hit

Yells at people for talking when he's hitting cracks jokes when he is waiting for others to hit  Scumbag Steve

Invites you to stay the night Threatens to kick you out when you stop loading bowls

Invites you to stay the night Threatens to kick you out when you stop loading bowls  Scumbag Steve

owes friend $5 pays back in pennies

owes friend $5 pays back in pennies   Scumbag Steve

Shoots people in a movie theater

Shoots people in a movie theater  Scumbag Steve

Loads a party bowl of your weed.

Loads a party bowl of your weed.  Scumbag Steve

Sits in his car parked behind an apartment building at midnight. Alternates between constantly blasting his horn and standing behind the building shouting for his friend over and over.

Sits in his car parked behind an apartment building at midnight. Alternates between constantly blasting his horn and standing behind the building shouting for his friend over and over.  Scumbag Steve

Explains why he can't do his share of cleaning Fourth week in a row

Explains why he can't do his share of cleaning Fourth week in a row  Scumbag Steve
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