Scumbag Steve

"Hey bro, can I borrow your gun?" Pistol whips you and runs away

Offers to smoke you out Charges you after sesh

Offers to smoke you out Charges you after sesh  Scumbag Steve

Puts groceries in car Leaves empty cart in parking space

Puts groceries in car Leaves empty cart in parking space  Scumbag Steve

the scariest ghetto kid's are from the suburbs

the scariest ghetto kid's are from the suburbs  Scumbag Steve

Dry and hes your last resort Can I get a hookup nug

Dry and hes your last resort Can I get a hookup nug  Scumbag Steve

uses his car maybe once a week at most makes it a point to always keep it parked in the best spot

uses his car maybe once a week at most makes it a point to always keep it parked in the best spot  Scumbag Steve

Passes laws restricting access to alcohol and licenses Grants only remaining license to restaurant on church property

Passes laws restricting access to alcohol and licenses Grants only remaining license to restaurant on church property  Scumbag Steve

Sleeps at your place and eats your food Complains if you ask to hit the blunt

Sleeps at your place and eats your food Complains if you ask to hit the blunt  Scumbag Steve

Borrows a pen in class doesn't give it back

Borrows a pen in class doesn't give it back  Scumbag Steve

Wear backwards hat fit in

Wear backwards hat fit in  Scumbag Steve
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