Scumbag Steve

Finds a new funny image and wants to make a new meme Posts it empty and expects reddit to fill in the blanks

Finds a new funny image and wants to make a new meme Posts it empty and expects reddit to fill in the blanks  Scumbag Steve

Says there isn't enough oc on Reddit is a 9gager

Says there isn't enough oc on Reddit is a 9gager  Scumbag Steve

adds you as a friend on reddit downvotes all your posts

adds you as a friend on reddit downvotes all your posts  Scumbag Steve

Makes fun of people who don't lift doesn't even lift

Makes fun of people who don't lift doesn't even lift  Scumbag Steve

Sees somebody trolling on youtube Replies and validates their trolling

Sees somebody trolling on youtube Replies and validates their trolling   Scumbag Steve

Turns on his blinker to change lanes thinks he now has the right away because he used his blinker

Turns on his blinker to change lanes thinks he now has the right away because he used his blinker  Scumbag Steve

Roommates all share groceries Spends $50 to everyone else's $125

Roommates all share groceries Spends $50 to everyone else's $125  Scumbag Steve

gets anrgry when you ask them to repeat themselves asks you to repeat yourself

gets anrgry when you ask them to repeat themselves asks you to repeat yourself  Scumbag Steve

Borrows your new Xbox game activates your online pass

Borrows your new Xbox game   activates your online pass  Scumbag Steve

"follow me in your car" changes lanes every 30 seconds

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