Scumbag Steve

says "fuck" in front of your mom


Says he can Can't

Says he can  Can't  Scumbag Steve

Learns of r/trees from friend immediately posts all good content to facebook

Learns of r/trees from friend immediately posts all good content to facebook  Scumbag Steve

"Yeah bro I go to school, Just taking a semester off" dropped out 4 years ago

makes meme page on facebook can't take a joke in meme form

makes meme page on facebook can't take a joke in meme form  Scumbag Steve

plays nazi zombies shoots in your window

plays nazi 
zombies shoots in your window  Scumbag Steve

Talks shit about how good his smash game is plays as kirby

Talks shit about how good his smash game is plays as kirby  Scumbag Steve

Was "there" for your ex as a "Supportive friend" Is currently stealing your avocados


drops instrument in music shop demands discount because there's a scratch

drops instrument in music shop demands discount because there's a scratch  Scumbag Steve

most important thing about a girl: sex and cooking makes a ccc about it

most important thing about a girl: sex and cooking makes a ccc about it  Scumbag Steve
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