Scumbag Steve

Says he trusts me completely Constantly goes through phone, texts, emails, and facebook messages

Says he trusts me completely Constantly goes through phone, texts, emails, and facebook messages  Scumbag Steve

submit post about 45.7% reddit doesn't ejaculate for 7 days

submit post 
about 45.7% reddit doesn't ejaculate for 7 days  Scumbag Steve

Finally passes hose Doesn't tell you it's ridiculously harsh

Finally passes hose Doesn't tell you it's ridiculously harsh  Scumbag Steve

Knows you're coeliac leaves kitchen a mess knowing you'll clean it

Knows you're coeliac leaves kitchen a mess knowing you'll clean it  Scumbag Steve

sometimes when i ask to go to the toilet in school i have a drink from the water fountain on the way there

sometimes when i ask to go to the toilet in school  i have a drink from the water fountain on the way there  Scumbag Steve

Wear hat backwards fit in

Wear hat backwards fit in  Scumbag Steve

Invited you over to play video games only has one controller

Invited you over to play video games only has one controller  Scumbag Steve

steals your bong after you bring it to party says you owe him 30 bucks.

steals your bong after you bring it to party says you owe him 30 bucks.   Scumbag Steve

Wants to check his answers uses your text book so his doesn't get wrecked.

Wants to check his answers uses your text book so his doesn't get wrecked.   Scumbag Steve

gets transferred to new gym fucks with equipment because hes too weak to lift any of it

gets transferred to new gym fucks with equipment because hes too weak to lift any of it  Scumbag Steve
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