Scumbag Steve

Loves watching the Bouncing Souls play live Steals their shit

Loves watching the Bouncing Souls play live  Steals their shit  Scumbag Steve

"Hey, Can I see your pokemon game?" Saves a new game

Posts comment Down votes everything to get to top

Posts comment Down votes everything to get to top  Scumbag Steve

Asks to crash on the couch for the night Stays for 2 weeks

Asks to crash on the couch for the night Stays for 2 weeks  Scumbag Steve

Leaves Fantasy football draft doesn't click autopick

Leaves Fantasy football draft doesn't click autopick   Scumbag Steve

Constnantly tells people 'YOLO' To justify actions that will certainly kill him early

Constnantly tells people 'YOLO' To justify actions that will certainly kill him early  Scumbag Steve

Steals Ipod and sells to friend for $150 Steals it back and sells to someone else for another $100

Steals Ipod and sells to friend for $150 Steals it back and sells to someone else for another $100  Scumbag Steve

messages on aim wanting to swap dubs djs but doesn't produce

messages on aim wanting to swap dubs djs but doesn't produce  Scumbag Steve

Says you will get a message back in 4 to 5 days. Tells you he can't do anything 3 weeks later

Says you will get a message back in 4 to 5 days.  Tells you he can't do anything 3 weeks later  Scumbag Steve

offer to buy him some food says "i'm good" and then slowly eats all of yours

offer to buy him some food says
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