Scumbag Steve

Lou to bharat: Bring Slab of cans brings box of bottles

Lou to bharat: Bring Slab of cans brings box of bottles  Scumbag Steve

Needs a ride home from bar.... Burns giant hole in your seat

Needs a ride home from bar.... Burns giant hole in your seat  Scumbag Steve

Says he could care less Couldn't

Says he could care less Couldn't  Scumbag Steve

asks you to play Tekken punches you in the face when you call the character a bitch

asks you to play Tekken punches you in the face when you call the character a bitch  Scumbag Steve

Calls IT Helpdesk Three Minutes before the end of any given hour. Honestly, it doesn't matter. Somebody's shift is about to end.

Calls IT Helpdesk Three Minutes before the end of any given hour.  Honestly, it doesn't matter. Somebody's shift is about to end.  Scumbag Steve

asks to borrow your pipe over the weekend uses it to smoke opium, doesn't share

asks to borrow your pipe over the weekend uses it to smoke opium, doesn't share  Scumbag Steve

only two years older than you refers to you as "kid"

only two years older than you  refers to you as

Stuck in traffic jam Leaves a massive gap between him and the car in front

Stuck in traffic jam Leaves a massive gap between him and the car in front   Scumbag Steve

Leaves for spring break Leaves you with a sinkful of his dishes

Leaves for spring break Leaves you with a sinkful of his dishes  Scumbag Steve

smoke him out on blunt circle exhales in your face after every rip

smoke him out on blunt circle exhales in your face after every rip  Scumbag Steve
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