Scumbag Steve

Has genes for ascorbic acid turns them off

Has genes for ascorbic acid turns them off  Scumbag Steve

Asks for code changes asks why you changed things

Asks for code changes asks why you changed things  Scumbag Steve

Can't wait to fly back to da burgh and big time everyone MISSES FLIGHT

Can't wait to fly back to da burgh and big time everyone MISSES FLIGHT  Scumbag Steve

goes to a dorm party macks on the chick with down syndrome

goes to a dorm party macks on the chick with down syndrome  Scumbag Steve

tells everyone to come out when he gets into town doesn't show up

tells everyone to come out when he gets into town doesn't show up  Scumbag Steve

Eats at an expensive restaurant for free Leaves without tipping waiter

Eats at an expensive restaurant for free Leaves without tipping waiter   Scumbag Steve

give him five bucks pays you back in nickels

give him five bucks pays you back in nickels  Scumbag Steve

plays as donkey kong on super smash bros picks you up and jumps off a ledge

plays as donkey kong on super smash bros picks you up and jumps off a ledge  Scumbag Steve

Plays Seth on Street fighter Thinks he's actually good.

Plays Seth on Street fighter Thinks he's actually good.  Scumbag Steve

enters thread rolls picture

enters thread rolls picture  Scumbag Steve
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