Scumbag Steve

Likes your post and shares it with friends Doesn't upvote it

Likes your post and shares it with friends Doesn't upvote it  Scumbag Steve

"You're not worried, you're just mad" when you ask where he's been until 7 am

notices too many /r/adviceanimals posts makes an /r/adviceanimals post to point it out

notices too many /r/adviceanimals posts makes an /r/adviceanimals post to point it out  Scumbag Steve

just cause there is a goalie doesn't mean you cant score

just cause there is a goalie doesn't mean you cant score  Scumbag Steve

Wants to sit in the front passenger seat Sleeps

Wants to sit in the front passenger seat Sleeps  Scumbag Steve

Wants you as a wingman to entertain the hot chic's ugly friend would never touch an ugly girl when he has to be the wingman

Wants you as a wingman to entertain the hot chic's ugly friend would never touch an ugly girl when he has to be the wingman  Scumbag Steve

sees girl drop stack of books points and laughs

sees girl drop stack of books points and laughs  Scumbag Steve

makes you a coffee with cream and sugar uses coffee mate

makes you a coffee with cream and sugar uses coffee mate  Scumbag Steve

makes fun of people with accents speaks only one language

makes fun of people with accents speaks only one language  Scumbag Steve

throws tupperware into the sink leaves them closed.

throws tupperware into the sink leaves them closed.   Scumbag Steve
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