Scumbag Steve

sends you dick pics and begs you to hang out with him acts surprised when you don't want to fuck him

sends you dick pics and begs you to hang out with him acts surprised when you don't want to fuck him  Scumbag Steve

An interesting discussion breaks out in the comments deletes the post because it got too many down votes

An interesting discussion breaks out in the comments deletes the post because it got too many down votes   Scumbag Steve

does a shitty job at chores he doesn't have to do any chores

does a shitty job at chores he doesn't have to do any chores  Scumbag Steve

Asks what your favorite sports team is gets mad when you say your favorite, not his

Asks what your favorite sports team is gets mad when you say your favorite, not his  Scumbag Steve

Comes up to the bar when its busy Keeps repeating your name until you serve him

Comes up to the bar when its busy Keeps repeating your name until you serve him   Scumbag Steve

walks into a room you are sweeping plows through the dirt pile without even looking for it

walks into a room you are sweeping plows through the dirt pile without even looking for it  Scumbag Steve

sees that you just went grocery shopping eats all your favorite foods before you can

sees that you just went grocery shopping eats all your favorite foods before you can  Scumbag Steve

Conversation with elderly man at a classy joint talking about WWII memories texts the entire time

Conversation with elderly man at a classy joint talking about WWII memories texts the entire time  Scumbag Steve

Goes to funeral of family member Tries to steal jewelry off of corpse

Goes to funeral of family member Tries to steal jewelry off of corpse  Scumbag Steve

ask housemate too take picture of funny number plate for reddit posts it on his account and hits 500 karma

ask housemate too take picture of funny number plate for reddit posts it on his account and hits 500 karma  Scumbag Steve
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