Scumbag Steve

Tells fleet to warp to him Doesn't x up in fleet chat.

Tells fleet to warp to him Doesn't x up in fleet chat.   Scumbag Steve

Loses argument pretends to be trolling

Loses argument pretends to be trolling  Scumbag Steve

Wears a bandanna during hvz Complains about getting shot by nerf guns

Wears a bandanna during hvz Complains about getting shot by nerf guns  Scumbag Steve

gives out 1000 drinking tickets Multiple armed robberies and rape on campus in past two months

gives out 1000 drinking tickets Multiple armed robberies and rape on campus in past two months  Scumbag Steve

Goes to Frenchwoods Likes Stagedoor

Goes to Frenchwoods Likes Stagedoor  Scumbag Steve

Smokes a blunt before his sportsfest event bowls a perfect game in wii bowling

Smokes a blunt before his sportsfest event bowls a perfect game in wii bowling  Scumbag Steve

Believe Me My dads a doctor

Believe Me My dads a doctor  Scumbag Steve

gets wasted, wants popcorn at 2am enjoy the fire alarm, bitches

gets wasted, wants popcorn at 2am enjoy the fire alarm, bitches  Scumbag Steve

Thinks he is better than all the cod pros has never won anything worth mentioning

Thinks he is better than all the cod pros has never won anything worth mentioning  Scumbag Steve

i dont lose as zerg 100% win rate too easy

i dont lose as zerg 100% win rate too easy  Scumbag Steve
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