Scumbag Steve

11 hours parked in a 2 hour zone #recordbroken bro

11 hours parked in a 2 hour zone #recordbroken bro  Scumbag Steve

"Protect my lips, bro" Loses immediately

Goes to party Asks every person if they have drugs

Goes to party Asks every person if they have drugs  Scumbag Steve

Spiritualized announces US tour New Jack White single trending on Twitter

Spiritualized announces US tour New Jack White single trending on Twitter  Scumbag Steve

smells like lager farts in this beeyotch

smells like lager farts in this beeyotch  Scumbag Steve

Submits something to Reddit Downvotes all other new submissions so that his gets more attention

Submits something to Reddit Downvotes all other new submissions so that his gets more attention  Scumbag Steve

hits your car in a parking lot leaves

hits your car in a parking lot leaves  Scumbag Steve

Mom is diagnosed with cancer Still smokes around her

Mom is diagnosed with cancer Still smokes around her  Scumbag Steve

doesn't celebrate win complains he didn't bet more.

doesn't celebrate win complains he didn't  bet more.  Scumbag Steve

sees uw madison meme page creates university of minnesota meme page

sees uw madison meme page creates university of minnesota meme page  Scumbag Steve
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