Scumbag Steve

Uses $40 LivingSocial on a $45 restaurant check Leaves $1 tip

Uses $40 LivingSocial on a $45 restaurant check Leaves $1 tip  Scumbag Steve

Gets Dumped: Posts everything happening in his life on FB

Gets Dumped: Posts everything happening in his life on FB  Scumbag Steve

posts to r/atheism for karma christian

posts to r/atheism for karma christian   Scumbag Steve

uses the communal washer/dryer leaves lint in the lint trap

uses the communal washer/dryer leaves lint in the lint trap  Scumbag Steve

Pays him back a dollar you owed him keeps asking for the dollar you "never" paid back infront of your friends, making you look like an ass

Pays him back a dollar you owed him keeps asking for the dollar you

talks shit and instigates a fight gets ass kicked and presses charges

talks shit and instigates a fight gets ass kicked and presses charges  Scumbag Steve

Oh, you decided to click back on a video that has already buffered? Let me un-buffer that for you

Oh, you decided to click back on a video that has already buffered? Let me un-buffer that for you  Scumbag Steve

has brown belt in kyuki-do only uses it to beat you up

has brown belt in kyuki-do only uses it to beat you up  Scumbag Steve

driving alone use hov lane to bypass traffic jam

driving alone use hov lane to bypass traffic jam  Scumbag Steve

Forgets pregnant wife's birthday Makes meme about her getting karma to get karma

Forgets pregnant wife's birthday Makes meme about her getting karma to get karma  Scumbag Steve
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