Scumbag Steve

acts like he's your friend Fucks your Girl

acts like he's your friend Fucks your Girl  Scumbag Steve

Sees people joining a cause makes fun of them for it

Sees people joining a cause makes fun of them for it  Scumbag Steve

Spends $800,000 for MPC renovation Doesn't change basketball hoops

Spends $800,000 for MPC renovation Doesn't change basketball hoops  Scumbag Steve

Pulls into a busy parking lot parks across 3 spots

Pulls into a busy parking lot parks across 3 spots  Scumbag Steve

wakes you up to have you come jump his car is driving away as you get there

wakes you up to have you come jump his car is driving away as you get there  Scumbag Steve

Writes you a helpful script Just so he doesn't have to do your shitty little job again.

Writes you a helpful script Just so he doesn't have to do your shitty little job again.  Scumbag Steve

Does a fire drill during our lunch hour

Does a fire drill  during our lunch hour  Scumbag Steve

"Hey could you put headphones on?" proceeds to listen to techno through computer speakers

torrents all of his pc games and movies doesn't seed

torrents all of his pc games and movies doesn't seed  Scumbag Steve

cranks toaster knob to 11 makes fun of you for burning your toast

cranks toaster knob to 11 makes fun of you for burning your toast  Scumbag Steve
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