Scumbag Steve

Eats all the cookies in the house leaves before mom notices

Eats all the cookies in the house leaves before mom notices  Scumbag Steve

Has sex with his mom

Has sex with his mom   Scumbag Steve

Yells at bronies for their opinions Loves Barbies

Yells at bronies for their opinions Loves Barbies  Scumbag Steve

Eats your holiday food clogs your toilet

Eats your holiday food  clogs your toilet  Scumbag Steve

Downvotes Everything on R/Trees

Downvotes Everything on R/Trees  Scumbag Steve

Plays Super Smash Melee Constantly Tilts the Menu

Plays Super Smash Melee Constantly Tilts the Menu  Scumbag Steve

Hey man grab a earpiece and listen to this with me FARTS

Hey man grab a earpiece and listen to this with me FARTS  Scumbag Steve

Chuckles at link Downvotes, logs off, downvotes. Downvotes on iPod Touch. Downvotes on ipad. downvotes on iphone. downvotes on android device.

Chuckles at link Downvotes, logs off, downvotes.  Downvotes on iPod Touch. Downvotes on ipad. downvotes on iphone. downvotes on android device.  Scumbag Steve

jeff waits till tyrone leaves the room says the n word while quoting chris rock

jeff waits till tyrone leaves the room says the n word while quoting chris rock  Scumbag Steve

Supports idea to blackout Reddit to spread SOPA awareness Complains when others become aware of SOPA

Supports idea to blackout Reddit to spread SOPA awareness Complains when others become aware of SOPA  Scumbag Steve
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