Scumbag Steve

Never buys laundry detergent because he knows people always leave theirs in the laundromat

Never buys laundry detergent because he knows people always leave theirs in the laundromat  Scumbag Steve

One mutual friend Suggests you know them

One mutual friend Suggests you know them  Scumbag Steve

Plenty of tunnels to get to different buildings available coworker makes sure to take the most outside route possible

Plenty of tunnels to get to different buildings available coworker makes sure to take the most outside route possible  Scumbag Steve

"give me a second to catch my breath" lights up a cigarette and immediately starts coughing

skips lunch and leaves early spent all day browsing reddit

skips lunch and leaves early spent all day browsing reddit  Scumbag Steve

is 18 years old and has inappropriate conduct with a 14 year old blames the school system for everything

is 18 years old and has inappropriate conduct with a 14 year old blames the school system for everything  Scumbag Steve

Says rise and grind Lives at home and doesn't work.

Says rise and grind Lives at home and doesn't work.  Scumbag Steve

Cheats on his wife gives her an std

Cheats on his wife gives her an std  Scumbag Steve

Posts something shitty on Reddit Downvotes all other new posts to give his greater visibility

Posts something shitty on Reddit Downvotes all other new posts to give his greater visibility  Scumbag Steve

"Who's Freddie Mercury?" "Oh, I like Lil Wayne"

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