Scumbag Steve

"i'm probably the most mature guy i know" Says this whilst opening a bag of ecstasy.

brings home xbox 360 forgets games and controllers

brings home xbox 360 forgets games and controllers  Scumbag Steve

Gives a picture of the band to the director in a frame signed by the whole band Uses a picture that you aren't in

Gives a picture of the band to the director in a frame signed by the whole band Uses a picture that you aren't in  Scumbag Steve

Makes another map meme To tell people to stop posting map memes

Makes another map meme To tell people to stop posting map memes  Scumbag Steve

3 open urinals takes the middle one

3 open urinals  takes the middle one   Scumbag Steve

22 years old Loses his shit over a monopoly game

22 years old Loses his shit over a monopoly game  Scumbag Steve

Shows off that he has more karma Comment is copied word for word from another site

Shows off that he has more karma Comment is copied word for word from another site  Scumbag Steve

Offers $2 for gas money It's 2013

Offers $2 for gas money It's 2013  Scumbag Steve

finds out friend is on season two of lost tells her they get rescued, go back, and all die

finds out friend is on season two of lost tells her they get rescued, go back, and all die  Scumbag Steve

oh, you've had your cat since you were twelve? your ex-wife get's it.

oh, you've had your cat since you were twelve? your ex-wife get's it.  Scumbag Steve
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