Scumbag Steve

brags about nice elo only plays support

brags about nice elo only plays support  Scumbag Steve

Makes memes mocking UC Merced students GPA too low to transfer

Makes memes mocking UC Merced students GPA too low to transfer  Scumbag Steve

gets caught for possesion rats out everyone he knows

gets caught for possesion rats out everyone he knows   Scumbag Steve

buys a bsg event ticket sells it for 3 times the original price

buys a bsg event ticket sells it for 3 times the original price  Scumbag Steve

Smokes weed with you Never puts in

Smokes weed with you Never puts in  Scumbag Steve

Bin Laden gets killed is this justice?

Bin Laden gets killed is this justice?  Scumbag Steve

Farts Asks who farted

Farts Asks who farted  Scumbag Steve

Talks shit about how good he is at super smash bros gets pwned 990 times out of 1000

Talks shit about how good he is at super smash bros gets pwned 990 times out of 1000  Scumbag Steve

Gives up smoking for Lent doesn't even smoke

Gives up smoking for Lent doesn't even smoke  Scumbag Steve

Knows Boss isn't coming in today Shows up late, takes 2 hour lunch, leaves early

Knows Boss isn't coming in today Shows up late, takes 2 hour lunch, leaves early  Scumbag Steve
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